The ethos…..

For sometime now, I have wanted to retire and travel the world off grid, living an adventurous lifestyle. To that end I have trawled the internet looking at the life style and what others have done to meet their needs.

I’ve read a lot and bought the odd book too. The website and his book were a good start. Nomadic Matt has also been of use. But for all my research I haven’t seen much about those like me, who are in their early 50’s with an adventurous streak, who would retire if they could and live a nomadic life; walking, running, skiing, swimming, surfing, kayaking and cycling in places only known to those few who care to look.

My pride and joy the Planet X Tempest Ti Gravel bike will be on the van for my travels

I also have two fishing kayaks, that I will take on board the van. Here’s a clip from when I met a chap kayaking round the British Isles, in aid of Help the Heroes. His name was Eric Innis. The strangest thing, was that same morning I had remarked to Rob, the guy I’m with in the clip about some fella I’d read about that morning in the Daily Mail who was kayaking round the UK, only for him to approach us while we were out fishing. I was dumb founded! For more information look at this BBC link

I love my kayaks and look to take them on my trips abroad

My aim is to travel far and wide, seeking out these “off grid”places for the nomad in you. By working on occasion as I travel, I hope to meet local people and learn of what that area has to offer to someone like me looking for adventure. To experience the place in a way no current guide book could enable you to. Finding those little known tracks to cycle on, those mountain walks to meander along, and lakes and rivers to swim in or kayak on.

I love my kayaks, dipping in and out of hidden coves, fishing and finding deserted beaches

I hope to record my time in these little known places as bespoke niche travel guides for outdoor adventurous types like me and you to enjoy when they have the opportunity to get in a van and go!

So Far so good…..

The deed is done and I have resigned, formally retiring on 55th birthday (29th April 2021).

This website is up and running to record my journey. I’ve built it myself from scratch, with no prior knowledge of how these things work. For me, it is the equivalent of a leather bound journal any traveller many years ago would have used to record their travels. But in this format not only is it my record for myself to cherish, but one I want to share with others as an inspiration and resource, should you be tempted to take that leap.

In order to help my transit through Europe particularly, I have applied for an Irish passport and now, I am a proud Irishman! In my defence I was born in Belfast, so I’m not quite a plastic paddy!

I hope to have the van built by the end of July 2021. Christina will be working for another few years, which give me some time to travel alone and perhaps with selected friends to learn the ropes, make the inevitable mistakes so we can all learn from them!

Initial journeys will be short around the UK and Ireland, perhaps with the odd sortie into France. The wife is a school teacher so as a couple we can go further afield over the summer break. This year into France and Spain if Covid pandemic restrictions allow!

Initial trips may includes close friend who are keen to do the odd trip. To be honest, whilst an extrovert, I do like my own time and company. Another important thing to note, is I am retiring from the NHS but not work per se. I suppose the advantage now is I can work for who I want, when I want. So the type of work will be determined by what it is and where it takes me. Philanthropy is the theme. Check out which I will be using to achieve this. Between retiring in April 2021 and getting the van, I’ve already committed to supporting a young farmer Will in Tudweiliog over spring into summer working on his farm close by to where we have the caravan.

Once Christina retires, year 1/2 will be mainland Europe predominantly France and Spain with a dip into North Africa from Algeciras. The prime aim is to get down to Gibraltar where my mum lives and visit the rest of my family there. I want to cycle the Camino de Santiago at some point in this first phase and write a guide.

Year 3/4 will be occupied with travel around Italy perhaps crossing the med to visit Sardinia again (we did a family trip there in 2018) then into Eastern Europe along the coast and down to Greece.

Europe political map

The exact route (overland or sea) is yet to be determined but will need to consider Schengen Visa restrictions ( It would seem the best way to do this is to dip into non Schengen zone countries such as Croatia.

After Greece head North back up Eastern Europe turning west through to Germany. Ultimate destination being Scandinavia. Scandinavia seem from what I’ve read are more tolerant of van travellers.

Hopefully by year 5/6 we’ll be battle harden for destination Iceland via the Faroes! A fair trek but by all accounts well worth it if this video clip is anything to go by.

After that, I will look at getting to the far east through China. I’ve even heard of people getting to Australia (Darwen) from Singapore via Indonesia but that seems to be very rare on container ships and is currently the subject of on-going research. Would be good to visit our friends, Anthony and Finola in Perth though.

This page will be updated as and when any new information comes to light.

You may have seen a ‘shop’ page on the website but I don’t really have any great aspirations to monetise the site, as I don’t need to, unlike many living this lifestyle. However, it does no harm and was easy to install the plug in.

If you are like me and have any suggestion please get in touch, oh and don’t forget to subscribe now so I can update you when I’ve posted again!!

UPDATE 1/9/21

I now have had the van for 4 weeks and quickly realised there was a lot to learn before venturing off, check out the blog page FOLLOW THE JOURNEY for the latest news!