If you’re easily offended, don’t read this post.

It’s probably true that you’re intrigued right now and more likely to read on ( I hope). Having grabbed you’re attention, I’ll begin!

So why bother?

This blog and website, for me is nothing more that a posh diary. Primarily to chronicle my journey and experiences as I transition in to #vanlife. I have no intention of making any money through this website, even though currently there is a ‘shop’ page. On the contrary, I’m in the fortunate position of not having too. This was purely ‘plugged in’ as part of learning how to build a website from scratch.

Last week, I expanded me social media involvement on the website to get a wider audience. I’ve never really done facebook but I am beginning to understand it’s appeal. It’s been primarily friends from my recent past but some childhood mates too. Its amazing the people you can find on there from years back. Those you inevitably lose touch with as your paths take you all in different directions. The next step will be to explore beyond that sphere but I’m not sure when that will be. I want to share my journey and maybe inspire others. If nothing else, I’ll have an archive to reflect on in years to come.

Retire to live life

Many have been really supportive of my decision to retire and the plan, often citing they would do the same if they had the balls too! But I do get a sense that some are dubious. Retirement for me is about a change of lifestyle and not stopping work. In many ways those that retire to stop working often wither away. For me, retirement will be about experiencing new places and people, learning new skills for example languages, photography etc; whilst doing all manner of adventure activities. The Van for me will be loaded with my hiking boots, bikes, skis, kayak and yes ice hockey skates! You never know…….

Live and learn

We all too often lose our way, in our corporate ran work and social lives. All I’m doing is taking control and ‘sticking it to the man’. I defy anyone who thinks that’s a bad idea.

What I have learnt in recent years, has been solidified by this current Covid 19 crisis. That is, not to have the need to have, or buy things I don’t need; but rather acquire only what I need, through hard work and endeavour. To make what you have the result of your way of living.

Money is a necessity, I get that. Although, it’s important to keep in mind that money does not make you rich. Being rich is different for everyone depending on your personal ambitions. I’ve become rich through my family, friends and career. But it’s time to move on and begin another chapter; an ambition that has burned for a long time. A new chapter living a frugal but fulfilling life of adventure meeting as many people as I can, in what time I have left on this earth. The money ceases to be problem when you realise that time cannot be bought!

So I’m sticking it to the man@#stickittotheman, retiring and hitting the road. Even had a bet with the kids, that I won’t cut my hair for a year! Check out the rest of the website, join me on my journey as I transition and subscribe for notification of new posts as they are published. Feedback on the comments section always welcome!

Send me your pictures of you ‘sticking it to the man’ on my Instagram account, tab in the right corner of page. Join the revolution@#stickittotheman, get off that conveyor belt and change your life.

My life philosophy is encapsulated in four words; family, friends, fun and food. It might also include another f word or two! Prizes (a pint of Unicorn) for the best answers on a ‘post card’ or better still, post a comment with your suggestion!

Come on, give me ‘the bird’ and stick it to the man!


Former Clinical Head of Gynaecology at Manchester NHS Foundation Trust Retiring 2021 to a life of adventure travel in a van