And so the journey began…..

I thought I’d pause and reflect on the last 12 months when I began this journey. It was around August last year, I was looking at a letter I’d received in the post out of the blue from a company I forget the name of now, who I’d taken out an additional pension with in my late 20’s called an AVC (Additional Voluntary Contribution). A few years later, we simply could not afford the monthly direct debit and stopped it. Until this letter arrived, I’d completely forgotten about it! The letter detailed the benefits ( a small sum) I was entitled to annually on retirement age 55!

It was then, I was reminded I’d always planned to retire aged 55. But this had somehow been lost in the quagmire of life. For the last 10 years, deep down I knew I’d lost the passion for clinical practice in Gynaecology but had the opportunity in 2012 to move into Clinical Leadership where I rekindled my passion for work again. I had the right skill set and personality to lead but also acquired new skills. In Wigan, I became Clinical Director for Obstetrics and Gynaecology. A successful 3 year tenure, transforming and modernising the service with the development of a new diagnostic treatment facility at Leigh Infirmary. This was hugely rewarding and so again, I enjoyed working.

In Late 2014, I was approached by Wythenshawe Hospital. They wanted me to support a service modernisation programme providing clinical leadership and support for a team building programme as Clinical Director for Women’s and Children’s services which incorporated not only Obstetrics and Gynaecology but also Paediatrics, Neonates and Breast services. I was hugely flattered as it was a reflection on the success we had had at Wigan.

I knew it was going to be a huge challenge, the reasons for which I will not go into at this time. So, I initially took the role on as a secondment basis, 3 days a week. A year later I was appointed formally as Gynaecology Oncology lead as well as Clinical Director and went full time at Wythenshawe. I had a great working relationship with my new manager Keeley and we were hugely successful in recruiting new consultants and modernising the service with the productivity and efficiency that brings. It was very challenging at times, but we were having a ball (quite literally!).

Organised by Midwife Ann Reid, The Wythenshawe Maternity Unit 50th Anniversary Ball was a huge success with over 350 guests having a great night with live music from the Audio Pimps and a real life Casino with Roulette and Blackjack to keep everyone entertained!!

With the merger of Wythenshawe Hospital and Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) in 2018, I was successful in being appointed Clinical Head of Gynaecology Division at St Mary’s Hospital Managed Clinical Service as part of the newly merged organisation, The University of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. Keeley too was similarly successful in acquiring her equivalent post and we were confident of what we knew we could achieve as a team. Alas, I’m afraid we both threw in the towel around August last year and decided to call it a day. I won’t embellish but suffice to say we’d given it our all, yet never had a chance.

So there I was aged 53 and a bit, in a failing organisation, back to being a back bencher, where I was 10 years earlier. Knowing it wouldn’t take long before I would be feeling how I did in 2010, with a letter in my hand telling me what I’d long forgotten. My aspiration as a young man, new husband, inexperienced father, all round renegade and laughing cavalier was too retire at 55.

And that was it, my decision to change my path was made. Right at that moment, when I decided I was going to retire as I’d always said I’d do, a calming sense of ease came over me like an early morning mist rolling in from the sea. Nothing had ever felt like that before! Really quite liberating.

Convincing Christina was a different matter, but in time and it did take several months, until Christmas in fact, she accepted my decision. A letter from the pensions agency helped, whilst I was confident of my expected benefit, Christina remained sceptical until their estimates confirmed my calculations, it was financially viable.

Adventure sports travel, recording my travels and experiences whilst working as and when I care to, for the benefit of other is the ethos. Smattered with longer breaks with Christina, when she likes, over her school holidays . That, interspersed with shorter trips with selected friends who have expressed a desire to hit the road particularly around the more remote parts of the UK and Ireland is the plan in broad strokes. But, I’m sure it will evolve in time.

Where are we now?

So far I have applied for and have acquired Irish Citizenship. I suspect travelling through Europe and beyond will be easier with this dual citizenship but it’s just a hunch. Although it feels nice to be an Irishman anyway!

My mode of transportation is decided, a 4 wheel drive Merecedes Benz Sprinter LWB (long wheel base). The build slot is reserved with deposit paid, to be carried out by Mclaren Sports Homes in Leigh, Wigan between May and July next year.

I needed to sort my knee out, if I wanted to be as active as planned and that’s been done. The wound was a bit gruesome, see my last post, They said it was going to hurt!, if you’ve not done so previously. I’m recovering now, three weeks post-op but still only allowed to partial weight bear.

I set up the website in April to record the journey from beginning to end as modern day journal for myself. But also as a resource to inspire others and as a portal for anyone following my journey to log on and see where I am at anyone time with a GPS tracker located in the van.

I’ve entered into the world of social media, much to the annoyance and irritation of my kids at times, as I initially had no idea how it all worked. I’m slowly getting to grips with it, so watch this space!

Social media is essential to promote the website but also to meet and learn from other like minded individuals. It is only until you look do you realise how many people think as I do. Youtube particularly is full of videos from people often full time, living the vanlife. I have had advice from Adam at and their website is a great resource. More recently I have been in contact with Dave a facebook blogger from North Wales who is on a similar journey to myself as he prepares to convert a van and travel. Check out his blog, some of the pictures in this post are from his blog. So thank you Dave, you’re an inspiration. It’s good to know I’m not the only one!

What’s next?

Developing the website and writing about my experiences; not only from the past, which I will embellish on in later posts but of my ongoing and future experiences. This not only serves as a diary for me but hopefully a resource and inspiration for others. Importantly it also serves as a ‘road map’ for my journey, each blog post guiding me onto the next phase. There are three aspects to my preparations for retirement in to Van Life that I will be concentrating on during my convalescence from my recent surgery up to the beginning of 2021.

  • Firstly developing self, which is of prime importance.
  • Secondly ‘specing’ the van. Which is in 2 parts, the Van itself and the conversion with Mclaren.
  • Thirdly, equipping the Van for my needs which are two fold. To be able to travel off grid and be self sustaining for up to 7 days at a time and carry all my sports adventure gear to allow me to explore way beyond where the vehicle can take me using the Mavic drone to guide me. I will be carrying 3 bike of varying types, a kayak/pack raft and skis as a minimum, with associated clothing and footwear. Examples of other non adventure sports equipment, but none the less important, include a compressor, generator, assorted tools, additional fuel storage, a water filtration system etc etc.

In fact a future post will concentrate on the final Van specification and equipment with a completed inventory in much more detail.

Here’s the ” to do ” list for the next few months!

  • Re-design website logo (partly done see above)
  • Get some t-shirts printed – I will be using above logo. I am currently looking for suppliers that will be available to produce quality product at the most affordable price. I will be ordering a small number to give away to those who have been supportive and potential sponsors that have come forward since the website went live.
  • Decide on final van specification
    • I will be visiting Mercedes Benz to decide on the exact vehicle specification and order the Van. The new specification for the new 2021 models is available from early October. This needs to be completed by January 2021 at the latest, as the lead time for delivery can be up to 16 weeks in order for Mclaren Sportshomes ( to begin the conversion in early May as planned.
  • Visit Mclaren to begin conversion design and specification.
    • Whilst I have an idea of the equipment spec which is in essence an off grid set up, Christina and I will need to decide on the internal colours schemes for the upholstery and wood finishes.
  • Become fluent in Languages particularly fluent in Spanish, proficient in French and German and have a go at Russian and Mandarin Chinese.
    • I’ve already started with app Duolingo ( which is great and I am currently doing 2 hours a day of Spanish tuition which is incorporated into my daily revised itinerary each day. It’s free and very easy to learn from. I’d recommend it to anyone, even the thickest of people would learn something!
  • Outdoor foraging course
    • I’ve been interested for a long time now in what food can be sourced in the wild. I now have the time to look into this further and will be looking to book on to a course nearby once I’m a bit more mobile.
  • Expand my knowledge and experience in Cinematography
    • The ability to record my experience well is extremely important for me. But it will also be a useful resource for others along the way. I am more confident with the DJI Mavic Air 2 drone now but still have much to learn. Not only in terms of flying safely but also the scope of shots I can get. The same applies to the GoPro. Again YouTube is invaluable for this. Check out my channel if haven’t already
  • Get fit and lean!
    • I have 3 months to convalesce, much of which my physical activities will be severely restricted to aid healing and recovery whilst undergoing intensive physiotherapy. My prime aim is not to become a fat bastard but rather get fitter and leaner than I have ever been. A big ask I know but you have to aim high! I might even try and get in a bit of martial arts training, having just been inspired while watching the Karate Kid 2!! I love Mr Miyagi, He is so cool, Danial-San!
  • Start to equip the van
    • There is a whole myriad of stuff I will need to have in the van when on our travels. This will be detailed in a later post. But for example I’ve just acquired a military grade spade, given to me by a current serving Marine as a gift. Its so cool.


So, if you’re following this blog, it maybe because my journey is of interest and even better you might have an inkling or deeply hidden desire to jack it all in and hit the road yourself! I don’t think it matters why or when you’re going to take that leap. The important point is to make that choice and to take the chance if you truly what things to change. Your life right now is a result of what you did a year ago. Your life a year from now will be as a result of what you decide to do right now. Act accordingly and have faith in yourself!


So my next blog will be an update on the ‘to do’ list. There is a lot to do between now and Chrsitmas as we venture into an exciting year ahead in 2021, so I’ll keep you all posted.

Summer is nearly over and Autumn fast approaches, you know what then don’t you….How many days to Christmas!

Sod Christmas how long is it now until I can start telling some people a few home truths!

Former Clinical Head of Gynaecology at Manchester NHS Foundation Trust Retiring 2021 to a life of adventure travel in a van


  1. Hi Sean, been wondering how you were getting on in your post op time, the leg looked pretty grim. Glad you’re into intensive physio doing be a lean machine!! It’s all so exciting, 2 years ago Val and I drove 5000miles from Cairns to Port Fairy in Victoria Aus, we did it on good outback roads but it was very uplifting and refreshing, loved every mile. Your adventures will be more testing but it’s all good stuff. Look forward to your next episode. Sounds like you’re well out of the run of the day NHS. Retirement is wonderful.

    1. Hi Pat, I am so much better now. It’s a painful op. Still on crutches for a further 3 weeks then intensive physio in the gym. Perhaps the next time you’re in Alty with Val you can let me know and I’ll join you both for a coffee, slice of cake and a catch up! On me of course!! Better after the 6th October when I should be able to walk unaided.
      Cheers and hope to see you soon Sean

  2. I have just started to retire too march 2021, we can offer Skiing, Rafting canyoning and other and a place to park, come any time, room for all your family too. good start if needed, when you tackle France. cant wait to see you out here and share a few beers.

    1. Man, I cannot wait! Thanks for the offer, I will not miss the opportunity and really look forward to catching up over a beer or two. Its been sometime we shared the slopes of Franch on skis but I will give it all a go as soon as I can. Keep in touch mate.
      PS Good to see Dione is on the mend!

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